[Discovery, Safety Assessment]

Novel Polymer-Based Orthopedic Implant Shows Complete Integration, Healing, And Safety In A Multi-Year Sheep Study

Key Takeaways: Traditional inert and bioabsorbable orthopedic implants demonstrate several drawbacks, including inflammation or infection, often requiring follow-up surgeries. A biointegrative,...

[Genetic toxicology, Safety Assessment, In Vitro Cytogenetics, Genotoxicity, In Vitro Micronucleus, OECD 487]

Decoding the Revised OECD 487 Guideline: What Inotiv Clients Need to Know

Navigating the Latest Changes in In Vitro Micronucleus Testing and What It Means for YouKey Takeaways1. Spotlight on Test Guideline 487 Updates:Uncover key adjustments introduced in the updated...

[Safety Assessment, IBD, Crohn's, Colitis, Endoscopy]

Advantages of Non-Remitting Chronic IBD Models

The Advantages of Non-Remitting Chronic IBD Rodent ModelsAs the frequency of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) increases globally, preclinical researchers continue to study new treatments that can...

[Animal welfare, Surgical models, Research services, Research models, Telemetry, Surgical Services]

Promoting Animal Welfare with Implanted Telemetry

As part of the advanced surgical services offered by Inotiv, telemetry represents an important part of a thoughtful, experimental design. Learn how telemetered data can promote animal welfare,...


A Consultative Approach to Deliver Excellent Client Experiences

Helping clients realize the full potential of their critical R&D projects starts with a trusted partnership. From research models to specialized services, our team at Envigo–an Inotiv company,...


The Facts About Fiber and Other Key Ingredients in Your Laboratory Rodent Diet

When considering the fiber and nutrient content of laboratory diet for your rodents, it is important to understand the differences between a natural ingredient diet and a purified diet. Fiber in...


Maintaining and Reporting Health Status of Zebrafish with Diagnostic Testing

Zebrafish (Danio rerio) are considered a unique model for biomedical research given their genomic and molecular similarities to vertebrates. As use of zebrafish as a model of disease increases,...

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