[Animal welfare, Surgical models, Research services, Research models, Telemetry, Surgical Services]

Promoting Animal Welfare with Implanted Telemetry

As part of the advanced surgical services offered by Inotiv, telemetry represents an important part of a thoughtful, experimental design. Learn how telemetered data can promote animal welfare,...

[Rodent surgical models, Surgical models, Research services, Research models]

Creating a reliable heart failure model is not for the fainthearted

Heart failure is a major and escalating global public health problem with a prevalence of more than 5.8 million cases in the USA alone, and an additional 550,000 new diagnoses are made every year....

[Rodent surgical models, Surgical models, Research models]

Not all surgical models are equal: the beauty is in the details

Surgically modified animal models play a critical role in biomedical research, allowing researchers to mimic the structural and functional properties of human conditions. However, it is only with...

[Surgical models, Research models]

Top 3 benefits of RFID microchips for monitoring your surgical studies

Manual surgical monitoring techniques can be tedious for lab technicians as well as animals, given the multiple welfare checks needed per day plus the need for workers to update records accordingly....

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