[Polyclonal antibody production, Monoclonal antibody production, Research models]

8 insightful Inotiv antibody resources from 2017

Maximize your research, diagnostic or therapeutic use of antibodies in 2018 and beyond It was a busy year for Inotiv's custom antibodies team in 2017. As another year came to an end, we collated a...

[Polyclonal antibody production, Monoclonal antibody production, Research models]

Imagine a world without antibodies

Ongoing efforts to advance research, diagnostics and therapeutic products It is hard to imagine a world without antibodies. Besides their natural ability to fight off diseases in animals, they are...

[Polyclonal antibody production, Custom antibody production, Monoclonal antibody production, Research models]

5 easy ways to avoid antibody production mistakes

Creating highly productive cell lines requires a great level of care that starts with cell line development. Inotiv’s Rook Khajenouri and Richard Drucker understand the challenges customers face...

[Custom antibody production, Monoclonal antibody production, Research models]

5 Tips to successful monoclonal antibody production

Monoclonal antibodies play a critical role in research, diagnostics and product development and provide numerous benefits to patients in diverse therapeutic areas. mAbs are capable of recognizing...

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